

Building Code

List of Inspectors & Contact Numbers

Building Inspector

Burton Lavens

Electric Inspector

Burton Lavens

Plumbing Inspector

Allen Stoudt

Building code

Oglesby has adopted the 2018 Editions of the International Building Code, International Residential Code, International Existing Building Code, 2017 Editions International Code Council of Electrical Code, International Fire Code and the state of Illinois Plumbing code and any subsequent amendments.

Please contact City Hall at 815-883-3389 if you are unsure whether the work requires a permit.

Work cannot begin until a building permit has been issued.

Building Permits

Building permits are required whenever you make improvements to your property that change the footprint of the existing building, change exterior framing (such as changing the size or position of doors or windows) or replace a roof.

Building permits are also required for most home improvements including the new installation or replacement of the following:

  • Signs
  • Decks & Patios
  • Fences
  • In-ground Pools
  • Sheds
  • Garages
  • Room additions
  • Driveways
  • New home and commercial buildings


Pre Permit Checklist

List Of Your Contractors

Electric Permits

Electric Permits are required for new service, service upgrades and the replacement of existing wiring. An inspection is required for underground service, rough in and finished (when applicable).

Plumbing Permits

Plumbing permits are required for new service or work involving the connection to the city’s main lines. All plumbing work, unless done by an owner who resides in the residence, is to be done by a State of Illinois licensed plumber. An inspection is required for underslab, rough-in and finished (when applicable).


 All contractors performing work in the City of Oglesby must be registered and licensed with the City. All licenses expire and must be renewed May 1 of each year.  Contractor’s must provide proof of insurance and a $10,000 bond.


There is a $25.00 fee per applicant.  All applications must be approved by the City Council.


Design & Review Board

The building inspector has the authority to request that the Design and Review board review plans for new construction and renovation of existing buildings located in the Oglesby business district, the area being all property located adjacent to the Richard Moyle II Road until it ends at Illinois State Route 251 to the west and to the 500 block of East Walnut Street to the east, and all property adjacent to Columbia Avenue from the 300 block of South Columbia Avenue to the 800 block of North Columbia.

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