Oglesby Municipal Code
You can view the Oglesby Municipal Code below or click the link to go directly to the Municode website. This will open the link in new window instead where you can navigate through the City of Oglesby municipal code. This code is organized to make the laws of the city as accessible as possible to city officials, city employees and private citizens. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with some of the important elements of this code.
The numbering system is the backbone of a Code of Ordinances; Municipal Code Corporation uses a unique and versatile numbering structure that allows for easy expansion and amendment of this Code. It is based on three tiers, beginning with title, then chapter, and ending with section. Each part is represented in the code section number. For example, Section 2.04.010 is Section .010, in Chapter 2.04 of Title 2.
Be sure to note the Preface page which indicates the date through which the document is current.
Approved City Ordinances
View recent ordinances not yet in the Municipal Code corporation system:
Ordinance No. 1267-081924 Sets Wages and Benefits for Police Chief amended 2024-2025
Ordinance No. 1263-080524 TIF Agreement with LP High School
Ordinance No. 1259-061724 Granting Variance
Ordinance No. 1254-061724 Approving Mallick Road Wholesale Connection Agreement
Ordinance No. 1253-061724 Mallick Rd Construction Agreement
Ordinance No. 1252-060324 Zoning Map Amendment, Augustyniak
Ordinance No. 1248-041524 Denying Variances and granting Special use Permit for Oglesby Storage
Ordinance No. 1247-041524 Granting Variances by KNBZ and WESBECKER Properties
Ordinance 1244-011524 Designating a Director to the IMEA board
Ordinance No. 1243-011524 Vacating portion of Watson Avenue, Bellino
- Ordinance No. 1228-070523, Rescinds Ord 1168-070523, names and compensates event coordinators
- Ordinance No. 1227-070523, Revises Noise Ordinance
- Resolution No. 061923-2R,Agreement with Oglesby Fire Protection district for Tender Truck
- Resolution No. 060523-2R JLN Holdings Agreement/SFF Parking
- Resolution 051523 – Enters into Agreement with NCICG for Hydrant Grant Administration
- 1226-051523 – amends Liquor License to remove resident manager requirment
- 1225-051523 Sets Wage and Benefits for Police Chief
- 1224-051523 Sets Wage and Benefits for City Clerk
- 1223-050123 An ordinance appointing director to IMEA Board.
- 1222-050123 An ordinance revising representatives to IVRD Board
- 1221-050123 An ordinance revising makeup of commissions, boards and committees
- 1220-050123 An Ordinance reassigning duties to Commissioners
- 1219-050123 An ordinance Designating Commissioners’ Departments
- 1218-041723 an ordinance authorizing the execution of a Redevelopment Agreement with Rita Arteaga, dba Mr. Salsa’s.
- 041723R a resolution appointing Rebecca Clinard as the city’s representative
- 040323R1 a resolution authorizing the Mayor of the City of Oglesby to execute an ARPA subrecipient agreement by and between Lasalle County, Illinois and the City of Oglesby for the city’s fire department tender truck.
- 040323R a resolution authorizing the Mayor of the City of Oglesby to execute an ARPA subrecipient agreement by and between LaSalle County, Illinois and the City of Oglesby for the city’s sewer separation project.
- 1215-040323 an ordinance regarding the installation of stationary electrical generators in the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois.
- 1214-040323 an ordinance revising Section 14.11.20 of the City’s Municipal Code regarding letters of occupancy
- 1213-040323 an ordinance revising Section 14.11.19 of the City’s Municipal Code regarding building permits
- 1212-040323 an ordinance revising Section 14.06.120 of the City’s Municipal Code Regarding fencing
- 1211-022123 an Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the City’s Zoning Map Relating to a Part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 33 North, Range 1 East of the Third Principal Meridian, as Described Herein, Located in the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois
- 011623R a Resolution of the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois in Support of Tax Increment Financing
- 1210-011623 an Ordinance Amending Sections 9.40.010 Through Section 9.40.050 (inclusive) of the Municipal Code of the City of Oglesby Relating to False Reports of Fire
- 1209-010323 an ordinance appointing an interim Chief of Police for the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, IL
- 1208-121922 an Ordinance Approving the Design and Review Board’s Recommendation for the Application Filed by David Beavers Regarding the Property Located at 220 N Columbia in the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois
- 1207-121922 an Ordinance Abating the Taxes Heretofore Levied for the Year 2022, Payable in the Year 2034, to Pay Debt Service on General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2013, for the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois.
- 1206-121922 An Ordinance Levying Taxes For All Corporate Purposes For the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois, for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2022 and Ending April 30, 2023.
- 1205-112122 an Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to the City’s Zoning Map Relating to Lot 4 in Block 9 in Bent’s Subdivision to the City of Oglesby, LaSalle County, Illinois.
- 1204-112122 an Ordinance Establishing a Lateral Hiring Policy for Appointments to the Oglesby Police Department
- Proclamation in Support of the LaSalle County States’s Attorney and the LaSalle Sheriff in Regard to the Legal Challange to the Statute Commonly Known as the “SAFE-T ACT”
- 1203-101722 an Ordinance Amending the Estimated Date of Completion of the Oglesby Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District Redevelopment Project Area, Plan and Projects.
- 1202-101722 an Ordinance Approving & Authorizing the Execution of a Redevelopment Agreement Between the City of Oglesby and Ronald Moore D.B.A. Rootbeer Stand Oglesby TIF DIstrict I.
- 1190-071822 an Ordinance Amending Section 9.16.010 and Section 5.92.020 of the Municipal Code of the City of Oglesby
- 071822R a Resolution Authorizing the Permanent Transfer Among City Funds
- 1201-071822 an Appropriation Ordinance for the City of Oglesby for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2022 and Ending April 30, 2023
- 1200-062022 Ordinance Establishing Ranks Within the Police Department for the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois
- 1199-062022 Ordinance Approving a Text Amendment to Section 14-3-1 of the Oglesby Land Development Code So As to Authorize Sport and Recreation, Participant as a Permitted Use in a B1 Downtown Commercial District in the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois
- 1197-060622 an Ordinance Amending the Composition of the Plan Commission for the City of Oglesby, LaSalle County, Illinois
- 1196-062022 Ordinance Modifying the Terms of Employment for the Oglesby Chief of Police
- 1195-050922 Ordinance Abating the Taxes Heretofore Levied for the Year 2021, Payable in the Year 2022, to Pay Debt Service on General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2013 for the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois
- 1194-0509222 Ordinance Abating the Taxes Heretofore Levied for the Year 2021, Payable in the Year 2022, to Pay Debt Service on General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2020A for the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois
- 050222R1 Resolution of the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois, Authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois and Illinois Valley Community College to Establish a School Resource officer Program
- 04182022R1 Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code Using RBI Funds
- 04182022R Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code using Motor Fuel Funds
- 1193-050222 Ordinance Approving the Final Plat of Curtin Subdivision in the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois
- 1192-050222 Ordinance Modifying the Terms of Employment for the Oglesby Assistant Chief of Police
- 1191-041822 Ordinance Authorizing the Approval of a Facility Lease Agreement Between the City of Oglesby and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Oglesby, Illinois, Lodge #2360
- 1189-030722 Ordinance Repealing and Replacing the Net Metering Policy for the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois
- 1188-032122 Ordinance Authorizing and Directing the Purchase of a Parcel of Real Estate for the CIty of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois
- 020722R1 Resolution of the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois, Authorizing the City Attorney to Institute Condemnation Proceedings for LaSalle County, IL Parcel #18-25-416-000
- Intergovernmental Agreement for Seal Coating Various Streets Within the City of Oglesby
- 1187-012422 Ordinance Granting a request for Variance Filed by Glenn T. Johnson
- 1186-012422 Ordinance Granting a request for Special Use Permit Filed By Ameren Illinois
- 1185-012422 Ordinance Granting a Request for Variances filed by Ameren Illinois Company
- 1184-012422 Ordinance Granting a Request for Zoning Map Amendment Filed by RJD Investments, LLC
- 1183-012422 Ordinance Granting a Request for Zoning Map Amendment filed by Hometown National Bank
- 1182-012422 Ordinance Granting a Request for Variance Filed by Ameren Illinois Company
- 1181-012422 Ordinance Amending the Composition of the Committee for Oglesby Building Improvement Grant Program for the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois
- 011022R1 Resolution of the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois, Authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to Execute a Revised Agreement by and Between the City of Oglesby and Local No. 51, International brotherhood of Electrical Workers
- 1180-120621 Ordinance Establishing a Board of Directors for the Ambulance Service for the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois
- 1179-120621 Ordinance Levying Taxes for all Corporate Purposes for the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2021 and Ending April 30, 2022
- 1178-112921 Ordinance Approving an updated Exhibit “A” to the Intergovernmental Agreement of the Illinois Valley Regional Dispatch Entered into by the City of Oglesby, Illinois, as an Original Member, Relative to Payment of an Amended Schedule of IVRD Fees, Charges and Costs for the City of Oglesby, Lasalle County, Illinois
- 1177-120621 Ordinance Amending & Establishing Compensation for Certain Employees of the Oglesby Ambulance Service
- 1176-111521 Ordinance Amending and Establishing Compensation for Certain Employees of the Oglesby Fire Department
- 1175-110121 Ordinance Approving Membership in the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association and Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Cooperation Contract
- 090721R1 Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Revised Administrative Order on Consent with the United States Environmental Protection Agency
- 090721R Resolution of Support and Commitment of Local Funds for a Safe Routes to School Grant
- 081621R Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Release and Indemnification Agreement with JLN Holdings, LLC for the Continued Use of the Salt Storage Facility
- 1174-081621 Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Redevelopment Agreement Between the City of Oglesby and David G. and Laura J. Weiden Oglesby TIF District I
- 1173-081621 Ordinance Pertaining to the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund for the City of Oglesby, LaSalle County, Illinois
- Resolution 2020-080221 Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Administrative Order on consent with the United States Environmental Protection Agency
- 1172-080221 ordinance amending certain paragraphs of Section 10.27.075 of the Municipal Code of the City of Oglesby Relating to No Parking Zones on Certain City Streets
- 1171-071921 Appropriation ordinance for the City of Oglesby for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2021 and ending April 30, 2022
- 1167-70621 Ordinance establishing the salary and benefits to be paid to the Oglesby City Clerk
- 061721R Resolution authorizing the permanent transfer among city funds
- 1170-062121 Ordinance vacating the Northern most portions of Bennett, Swift and Hazen Avenues in the City of Oglesby, Lasalle county, Illinois
- 1169-062121 Ordinance establishing wages to be paid to certain city employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement
- 1168-062121 Ordinance providing for additional compensation for Oglesby employees assuming the role of event planners
- 1166-051721 Ordinance authorizing the entry of a facility lease agreement between the City of Oglesby and the Benevolent Order of Elks, Oglesby Illinois Lodge #2360
- 1164-060721 ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of a redevelopment agreement between the City of Oglesby and Greg Boggio Oglesby TIF District I
- 1163-060721 Ordinance providing for and approving the seventh amendment to the Oglesby tax increment financing (TIF) District I redevelopment project area, plan and projects
- 051721R a Supplemental Resolution for maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code for the purchase of salt
- 162-051721 Ordinance appropriating funds for ADA curb ramp improvements; in conjunction with milling and resurfacing of IL351/71 Walnut Street to Lone Star cement railroad bridge in Oglesby and IL 71 from IL 351 to the Vermilion River
- 040521R1 Resolution amending resolution 031521R for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code
- 040521R Resolution for maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code Utilizing Rebuilding Illinois Funds
- 1159-040521 Ordinance amending ordinance 818-1119121 and an ordinance amending ordinance 1007-031918 modifying rates and charges for the use and service of the electrical system of the City of Oglesby, LaSalle County, Illinois
- 1161-031521 Ordinance authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement between Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 and the City of Oglesby
- 1160-031521 Ordinance authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement between Lasalle Peru Township High School District No. 120 and the City of Oglesby
- 1158-031521 Ordinance amending ordinance 1152-021621 renaming Roebuck Street in the City of Oglesby from Sunset Street to Sunset Boulevard
- 1157-031521 Ordinance authorizing the disposal of personal property owned by the City of Oglesby
- 1156-031521 Ordinance authorizing the disposal of personal property owned by the City of Oglesby
- 1153-021621 Ordinance authorizing the City of Oglesby to enter into a secondary employer indemnity and conditions agreement with the City of Peru and the City of LaSalle
- 1152-021621 Ordinance renaming Roebuck Street in the City of Oglesby
- 1151-020121 Ordinance rezoning certain property in the City of Oglesby
- 1150-011821 Ordinance authorizing the execution of an agreement for study of services between the City of Oglesby and Ameren Illinois
- 1149-011821 Ordinance abating the taxes heretofore levied for the year 2020, payable in the year 2021, to pay debt service on general obligation refunding bonds (alternate revenue source), Series 2020A, for the City of Oglesby, LaSalle County, Illinois
- 1148-010421 Ordinance authorizing the execution of an agreement for warranty deed between the City of Oglesby and Eric Joseph Shevokas and Jill Shevokas
- 1146-122120 Ordinance abating the taxes heretofore levied for the year 2020, payable in the year 2021, to pay debt service on general obligation refunding bonds (alternate revenue source) Series 2013 for the City of Oglesby, LaSalle County, Illinois
- 1145-122120 Ordinance levying taxes for all corporate purposes for the City of Oglesby, LaSalle County, Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2020 and ending April 30, 2021
- 1144-122120 Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of a redevelopment agreement between the city of Oglesby and David and Laura Weiden, Oglesby TIF District I
- 1143-122120 Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of a redevelopment agreement between the city of Oglesby and Nick Carrico
- 1142-122120 Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of a redevelopment agreement between the city of Oglesby and Oscar’s Automotive
- 1141-122120 Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of a redevelopment agreement between the city of Oglesby and Gary Grosenbach
- 1140-122120 Ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of a redevelopment agreement between the city of Oglesby and Devine Floral and Design
- 1139-122120 Ordinance declaring developer in default of a TIF development agreement by and between the city of Oglesby and Reishus, LLC
- 1138-111620 Ordinance authorizing the execution of a management and supervision agreement for waste water treatment plant and water treatment plant for the city of Oglesby, LaSalle County, Illinois
- 1136-110220 Ordinance amending Chapter 10.24-stopping, standing and parking of Title 10 vehicles and traffic of the Oglesby city code
- 1135-110220 Ordinance establishing the terms of employment, including the wage structure for the Oglesby Chief of Police
- 1134-110220 Ordinance establishing a social media policy for the city of Oglesby
- 1133-101920 Ordinance approving the termination of the Oglesby Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District V redevelopment project area, plan and projects
- 1132-101920 Ordinance authorizing the execution of a settlement agreement and mutual release between the city of Oglesby and Officer Hugo Gonzalez
- 1131-110220 Ordinance authorizing the execution of an interim agreement between the city of Oglesby by GTI Oglesby, LLC
- 1130-100520 Ordinance amending Chapter 10.24, stopping, standing and parking, of Title 10, vehicles and traffic of the Oglesby city code
- 1129-092120 Ordinance adopting a Hazard Mitigation Plan for the city of Oglesby
- 1128-092120 Ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance of not to exceed $1,320,000 aggregate principal amount Taxable General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2020B of the City of Oglesby, LaSalle County, Illinois, and for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds
- 1127-092120 Ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance of not to exceed $1,400,000 aggregate principal amount Taxable General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2020A of the City of Oglesby, LaSalle County, Illinois, and for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds
- 1126-092120 Ordinance Granting a Variance from the Off-Street Parking Requirements of the Oglesby Illinois Land Development Code for GTI Oglesby, LLC
- 1124-090820 Ordinance amending ordinance 1024-061818 entitled and ordinance establishing wages for Oglesby ambulance service employees
- 1123-081720 Ordinance authorizing the execution of a memorandum of understanding between the city of Oglesby and the Oglesby Fraternal Order of Police
- 1121-072020 Ordinance amending Chapter 28, water service regulations, of Title 13, public utilities, of the Oglesby city code
- 1120-072020 Authorizing the execution of an easement agreement between the City of Oglesby and Ameren Illinois Company
- 1119-072020 Appropriations for the City of Oglesby for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2020 and ending April 30, 2021
- 1118-070620 authorizing the city of Oglesby to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the Central Illinois Police training center
- 1117-070620 Adopting a policy prohibiting sexual harassment for city of Oglesby
- 061520R Resolution Committing Local Funds
- 1115-052820 Contract with Putnam County Painting bid for water tower painting
- 1114-042020 Establishing the Salary and Benefits of the Interim Chief of Police of the City of Oglesby
- 1113-040820 Appointing an Interim Chief of Police
- 1112-033020 Pertaining to Local State of Emergency
- 1111-040620 Amending TIF I Extension Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Oglesby Elementary School District
- 1110-033020 Ordinance amending Ordinance 1093-120219 entitled an Ordinance establishing the terms of employment, including the wage structure for the Chief of Police
- 1109-040620 an Ordinance amending Section 13.04.220, fees and schedules of Chapter 13.04 electrical utility rules and policies of Title 13, public utilities of the Oglesby city code
- 1108-040620 an Ordinance vacating a utility easement in the city of Oglesby
- Resolution 030220R, Appointing Authorized Agent of the City of Oglesby for the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
- 1106-020320 Ordinance Amending Ordinance 1063-100118 Entitled an Ordinance Adopting the Land and Development Code of Oglesby, Illinois
- 1100-020320 Ordinance Establishing Rates and Charges for Water and Wastewater Services
- 1102-020320 Additional Compensation for employees assuming the role of Event Planners
- 1101-020320 Authorizing the Borrowing of up to $700,000.00 from Illini State Bank pursuant to Section 8-1-3.1 of the Illinois Municipal Code
- 1105-012020 Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 1074-09032019 Entitled an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 1063-050619 Entitled and Ordinance Amending Various Provisions of Chapter 2.03 Council of Title 2 Administration and Personnel of the Oglesby City Code
- 1104-012020 Ordinance Reassigning Commissioners to the Position of Commissioner of Accounts & Finance, Commissioner of Public Health & Safety, Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements and the Commissioner of Public Property
- 1103-012020 Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.33 Police Department of Title 2 Administration and Personnel of the Oglesby City Code
- 1099-121619 Ordinance Levying Taxes for all Purposes Beginning May 1, 2019 and Ending April 30, 2020
- 1098-121619 Ordinance Abating Taxes levied for 2019, Payable in the Y Bonds Series 2010B
- 1097-121619 Ordinance Abating Taxes levied for 2019, Payable in the Y Bonds Series 2010A
- 1096-121619 Ordinance Abating Taxes levied for 2019, Payable in the Y Bonds Series 2013
- 1095-121619 Authorizing Golf Carts for use Within the Limits of the City of Oglesby
- 1094-120219 FOP Grievance Settlement between the City of Oglesby and Police Department
- 1093-120219 Terms of Employment for the Chief of Police
- 1092-111819 Hiring of an Economic Developer
- 1090-111819 Amending Ordinance 1084-091619 Entitled an Ordinance Establishing Fees for Provisions for Disposal of Tree Branches and Lawn Care Refuse
- 1089-110419 Authorizing the Purchase of Real Estate by the City of Oglesby
- 1088-102119 Letter of Agreement between the City of Oglesby and the IBEW Local 51
- 1087-102119 Additional Compensation for Patty Eichelkraut
- 1086-102119 Public Comment at Council and Committee Meeting
- 1085-092319 Amending Chapter 3.2, Municipal Service Occupation Tax of
Title 3, Revenue and Finance of the Oglesby City Code by Imposing a Municipal Cannabis Retailers’ Occupation Tax - 1084-091619 Establishing Fees for Provisions for Disposal of Tree Branches and Lawn Care Refuse
- 1081-091619 Authorizing Golf Carts/Neighborhood Vehicles for Use Within the Corporate Limits of the City of Oglesby
- 1080-091619 Approving and Adopting an Extension for the Completion of the Oglesby Tax Increment Financing District V Redevelopment Project Area, Plan, Projects and Obligations
- 1079-090319 Authorizing the Execution of a Storm Water Sewer & Easement Agreement
- 1078-090319 Authorizing the Execution of a Water Easement Agreement
- 1077-081919 Establishing a Speed and Weight Limit and Prohibiting Dumping on the Ed Hand Highway Canoe Landing Access Road
- 1076-081919 Establishing Salary and Benefits of the City Clerk
- 1074-090319 Amending Ordinance 1063-050619 amending various provisions of Chapter 2.03, council, of Title 2 Administration and Personnel of the Oglesby City Code
- 1073-080519 Amending Ordinance 1069-061719 Establishing License Procedures for Video Gaming terminals within the Corporate Limits of the city of Oglesby
- 1072-070119 Authorizing the Issuance of a Special Use Permit for Cell Tower Construction
- 1071-071519 Appropriations for the City of Oglesby for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2019 and Ending April 30, 2020
- 1070-071519 Amending Ordinance 1024-061818 Establishing Wages for Oglesby Ambulance Service Employees
- 1069-061719 Establishing Licensing Procedures for Video Gaming Terminals Within the Corporate Limits of the City of Oglesby
- 1068-060319 Amending Chapter 2.57 Plan Commission of Title 2, Administration and Personnel, of the Oglesby City Code
- 1067-060319 Deleting Chapter 2.63 Library Directors, of Title 2, Administration and Personnel of the Oglesby City Code
- 1066-060319 Authorizing a Contract Between the City of Oglesby and the Elks Lodge for use of the Elks Building and Grounds
- 1065-052019 Authorizing the Execution of an Option and Land Lease Agreement with the City of Oglesby and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (AT&T)
- 1064-050619 Granting Variance from the Dimensional Standards of the Land Development Code (Augustyniak)
- 1063-050619 Amending Chapter 2.03 Council of Title 2, Administration and Personnel of the Oglesby City Code
- 1062-052019 Authorizing the City of Oglesby to Enter into an Illinois Cash Farm Lease
- 1061-041519 Granting Variance Request for M. Shepard, 400 W. Porter
- 1060-050619 Authorizing Sale of Municipally Owned Real Estate Property
- 1059-050619 Storm Water Sewer and Easement Agreement
- 1058-040119 Comprehensive Plan with NCICG
- 1057-040119, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Jakse Agreement
- 1056-030419 Ord…Bryant-Gleissner Approval – 1-31-19
- 1055-030419 Ord…Speedway Approval – 1-31-19
- 1054-031819 Administrative Procedure for PSEBA Claim
- 1053-020419 Ord. Auth. Disposal of Personal Property